I want to map Mod + T to open a new chrome tab, and
Shift + Mod + T to undo a recently closed tab.
I have a uhk v2, and am having some issues implementing the above use case:
I mapped “Mod + T” to be “Ctrl + Tab”
I expected pressing “Shift” + “Mod + T” to perform: “Shift + Ctrl + Tab”. However, this isn’t what happens, and pressing this keyboard combo doesn’t do anything.
I get the same behavior even if I do this in the Mouse layer or some layer other than Mod.
The strange thing is that something similar to this works sometimes when I do the following (on the base layer):
Map Base layer + “Tiny-key-on-bottom-right” to “Ctrl + Tab”
Pressing “Shift” + “Tiny-key-on-bottom-right” outputs “Shift + Ctrl + Tab” sometimes, and other times it doesn’t do anything.
Are there some restrictions to adding modifier keys to remapped keys on different layers that I’m not aware of? I thought that they would be composable?
Has anyone else seen this behavior? And if so, any fixes or workarounds?
One more update. The old behavior comes back intermittently. I think it is because my Mod key also serves as the Enter key. I think this is just confusing the keyboard about what I am intending to do. I haven’t tried it yet, but I think if I remove the Enter key function (when pressed) from the Mod key (when held down) then it might resolve this issue.
I am not 100% what your problem is. But when you can really pinpoint where it goes “wrong” I am pretty sure that a good solution can be found. I got some great tips in the thread Change wait time for secondary key/ role? which might give you also a good starting point to define the two functions of a key, so that it works for your use case.
I still can’t reproduce the issue using your configuration, Nazmul. I’ve tried it in Chrome and Visual Studio Code on Linux, and it works reliably for me.
Please try it on other computers; others are welcome to reproduce it, too.
I’ve found that on mine, on 2 different Linux computers the behavior is the same. If I start w/ the Shift key pressed, it doesn’t work. However, when I start w/ the Mod key pressed first, then press Shift and “small right bottom key”, it works. So I don’t know if that is a clue?
That is strange. I have two UHK v2 keyboards that behave the same exact way. I have them both connected to linux computers (running Pop OS). Maybe there’s something in my linux configuration that might have an impact . Anyway, for now I have just remapped those functions to a separate layer.