Hello all — hope someone with more creative-thinking could make a suggestion?
I frequently use the left/right cursor keys on the key cluster to move forward/back in a sentence.
Ideally, however, I would like to also use them to jump ahead to end of words (OPT-left/right).
In other words, as their “secondary” use?
Am I correct in that there isn’t really a way to do this, other than to trigger a different layer?
I.e. there is no way to get the “secondary role” to be assigned as “opt-left” and “opt-right” on both keys?
From what I gather, the “secondary role” options are limited to what is available under that drop-down in Agent, correct?
I realise I didn’t express myself to clearly — was wondering if there was a workaround to have the “secondary role” include more than the options presented by the drop-down list inside Agent (under “secondary role”)?
In other words, that holding down the “mod” key, would trigger “OPT+left” or “OPT-right”.
This just then to avoid reaching for “OPT” + left/right on key-cluster as I normally could, since it’s a little bit less convenient than triggering the extra with my right thumb (which is what I would prefer).
EDIT: Ah - ok. See your edit now about triggering a macro command. This could work — I hadn’t thought of that. Will have a look!
I would recommend to bind opt+left / opt+right into the media navigation mode and bind the media navigation mode to your mod layer.
Here is a relevant snippet example. You would put a similar snippet into a macro named $onInit:
set module.touchpad.navigationMode.base caret
set module.touchpad.navigationMode.mod media
set navigationModeAction.media.left keystroke LA-tab
set navigationModeAction.media.right keystroke LS-q
(Not sure which modifier OPT corresponds to - LA is left alt, LC would be left control, LG left super/gui/win key…)
As to the original meaning, you could bind a secondary role to a layers switch, but how do you recognize a secondary role from a layer switch then?
You would have to rely on a timeout or something. That is possible using the advanced secondary role configs, but probably not the most intuitive way to use the keyboard.
I understood that the OP wants to use the KEYS on the key cluster for left/right AND for something else, not the mouse navigation (touchpad, trackball, mini-trackball, touchpoint).
I think the easiest is to map these two keys differently on another layer such as Fn, and then press Fn+key to activate the second function. No need to use “Secondary” logic, as that’s for a different purpose.