Where is the user manual for new customers?

This is not a customer support forum.
(Contact Us - Ultimate Hacking Keyboard).
Does NOT work. Only shows email signup for newsletter.
2 hours of searching, I can not find a “support” contact email!!
So I must ask here:

Where can I download the user manual in text or PDF form?

Thank you.

I don’t know about a downloadable manual, but the onboarding guide starts at UHK 60 v2 manual - Ultimate Hacking Keyboard (a link to this page is printed on the box the UHK arrives in).

There’s also the knowledgebase at Knowledgebase - Ultimate Hacking Keyboard, but it requires you to type a bit of what you are looking for in the search field.

Contact Us - Ultimate Hacking Keyboard does show a contact form for me, though I did not test to see what happens if I press “send”.

Thank you, Nicd.
I appreciate your message here.
That helps a lot.

I searched and searched for “user manual”, “instruction guide”, etc.
I never thought to search for “onboarding” – what a strange name.

The Knowledge-base screen does NOT work at all here.
Just shows the newsletter email entry field.
So it’s useless here.

As for the link printed on the box,
that’s fine for people who open the box themselves.
In my case, a helper did that – and the helper does not read English at all – and the empty box disappeared into the trash.

Rather lengthy comments on this topic, hopefully somebody in charge will make improvements.

And still NO contact email for customer support.

Interesting, the knowledge base and contact form work fine for me. Maybe it’s a browser thing?

The knowledgebase is some sort of a treasure hunt. You must first input a search term. Unfortunately there is no overview of all the entries in the knowledgebase. :frowning:

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@Peter Which browser are you using? Would you look into your browser’s dev tools and send us any errors you might encounter?

The knowledgebase and contact form yield the relevant knowledgebase article when searching for any of the mentioned words, including “user”, “manual”, “instruction”, “guide”, and “onboarding”. We’ll expose an index of knowledgebase articles eventually.

The link to product-specific manuals is featured on the bottom side of products and the inside of their boxes. I don’t know how to make these links easier to notice. Feel free to suggest.

I don’t plan to make downloadable manuals. I think the usability of our online manuals is superior because they branch at various points, and it’s far easier to click on a link than jump back and forth between pages. Some of our current manuals also contain interactive tutorials, which cannot be implemented in regular manuals.

Yes, browser, for sure.
I don’t want to clutter up forum with “support” topics, but if I’m
having this problem, some others must have similar problems, too.

In Vivaldi browser this is what I see:
Only input field for email for newsletter – nothing else.

In Brave browser, similar problem:

In Safari browser, looks “normal” with input field for Knowledgebase search.

But I have imported each page from the “onboarding guide” into my document databse (Eagle Filer), so now I have a nice, searchable knowledge base right on my computer.

Which browser are you using? Would you look into your browser’s dev tools and send us any errors you might encounter?

… I’m sure ithe problem is my combination of extensions and two firewalls, rather than browser errors.
But if I have these problems, some other people certainly would, too.

The knowledgebase and contact form yield the relevant knowledgebase article when searching for any of the mentioned words, including “user”, “manual”, “instruction”, “guide”, and “onboarding”.

Yes, but … two browsers on my computer don’t show any way to search, so no results at all.

link to product-specific manuals is featured on the bottom side of products and the inside of their boxes. I don’t know how to make these links easier to notice. Feel free to suggest.

I’ll suggest as respectfully as I can:
Outside of boxes and bottom of products is clever, but it already failed with one user (me).

I don’t plan to make downloadable manuals. I think the usability of our online manuals is superior because they branch at various points, and it’s far easier to click on a link than jump back and forth between pages. Some of our current manuals also contain interactive tutorials, which cannot be implemented in regular manuals.

I agree with you 100% about the benefits of online manuals - and your’s are especially well done - as long as there is a clear and easy way to find them.
And/or a clear contact email for support.
In this case, finding those was not clear nor easy.
I had to waste a lot of other people’s time by posting here.
And to make myself look like a stupid newbie in the process.
There’s got to be a better way:
An ordinary piece of paper in the box with the URLs would have avoided all this.

I agree with you, rpnfan … and that is why I came here looking for a download file to import into my own document database (“Eagle Filer”.)

I’m new to Eagle Filer, so please don’t ask me anything technical.
But I’m a refugee from DevonThink software, and that does create both an index and a table of contents (in less than time than it takes to type this sentence.)

@Peter I feel for you, I’m sorry to hear about your experience, and I appreciate your suggestions. I regularly monitor client- and server-side errors with Rollbar and fix new issues quickly. These cases are very rare, and some percentage of them are unavoidable.

Even if there were an index of knowledgebase documents, it’d also be JavaScript-generated, making no difference in your case. We could generate the knowledgebase article index server-side, but given the rarity of such issues, I don’t think such a custom WordPress plugin development is justified.

We could use discrete sticky tapes featuring per-product onboarding URLs and put them onto our products to make them harder to miss, but I want to minimize every kind of such overhead. We’d have to order these tiny tapes from the printing factory, stock them, and it’d complicate the packaging process.

Alternatively, we could hook to the DHL API and send out automatic emails upon package deliveries containing per-product onboarding URLs, which I plan to implement eventually.

I suggest closing this topic now.

I feel for you, I’m sorry to hear about your experience

Such outpouring of sympathy does not solve any problems or answer any questions.
User “Nicd” already provided exactly the link needed.

A simple piece of paper with that link, in the box, would avoid this problem.
But the information was on the bottom of the product … good that I bought only a keyboard, not a refrigerator.

I never asked for JavaScript-generated article index.
All I wanted was a simple user guide to get started.
Now, I have that.

Thank you.

I have to support Peter’s request in that sense that it is not as straightforward as it should be to find the documentation.

I was just looking for the information on macros and was able to find that with the knowledgebase. But first one has to know that one needs to search the knowledgebase. Second one needs to guess the correct search terms, which can be easy, but not always.

So what is needed is an overview of all articles in the knowledge base, but as important there should be a link in the main manuals to all relevant information. That includes also documentation to macros. :slight_smile:


@rpnfan How about an email that links the online manuals of ordered products and the knowledgebase, sent when the package is delivered by DHL? Also, the knowledgebase will have an article index.

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That will get buried in the avalanche of other emails.
Put the answer next to the question: a simple piece of paper with the keyboard in the box.

Think “less technology”, not more:
No complicated messages using DHL system.
Just one piece of paper.

@Peter Thanks for your suggestion, but I have a different perspective on this issue.

We already have plenty of technology, such as online manuals, so a timely email upon receipt makes sense for this purpose. It’s not much of a development effort; once ready, it takes zero effort and almost zero cost.

As for labels, I saw videos where reviewers vehemently unboxed the products, disregarding everything else, such as the current user guide link that should be noticeable in the box. I doubt that a piece of paper would have a different fate. On the flip side, such papers are extra items to stock and put into boxes.

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One more vote for being able to see all the articles in the knowledge base without having to search first. Search is great when you know exactly what you need, but I often like to browse the whole KB to find out what I didn’t know but didn’t even think to ask.


As for pointers to manuals and onboarding information, an extra paper slip in the package is just as good (or bad) as info on the packaging box itself. Honestly, I think it doesn’t get better than the current way of printed URLs right on the back of the device itself. You can never loose that, and if you ever sell your keyboard to a new owner without the box, they’ll get access too.

Knowledgebase: yes, the search needs to work well, and the index should be easily visible.