UK-GB keyboard layout

Hello! I had a Q about the keyboard layout of my UHK v2. I bought mine with a UK-GB layout, but that’s not reflected in the agent. I guess that I could map all the keys manually but thought to ask in case there’s a better way. See the difference between my keyboard and the agent:

I’m on a Mac and the keyboard layout is set to GB. Any help appreciated

I don’t think this is currently possible (and only a visualization issue?), seems related to this open issue.

Being an external keyboard, the UHK does not know about the OS keymap happening on the Mac side.

Currently, Agent only supports/shows the US keymap. You will have to mentally switch things around. For example, if you want key A to produce a # character, you will have to map it to the \ scancode, because UK # sits at the position of the US \ key.

The mentioned github issue will allow you to tell Agent what labels are on your UHK keys, so it will display the same labels on screen. Hopefully, it will then also show those labels in the drop-downs when you configure the mapping to a scancode. But neither has been implemented yet.

Things get even weirder when you start writing macros. To produce the ‘#’ character from a macro, you’ll have to execute commands like tapKey backslashAndPipe or write Page \\1… (here, backslash also needs to be doubled as it also functions as an escape character). It’s all very non-intuitive.

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