UHK80 Left Half Lag/Freezes

But the hardware supports it In theory. Which is good.

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Remove “mostly”. The pogo pins on the UHK80 are only used to communicate with modules.

Arent they also used as the merge sensor? :smiley:

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Knowing the firmware code, I wouldn’t expect a true “left half is the master” implementation in any forseeable future.

Of course, routing reports from right half to left half isn’t that difficult, but there it is a question why would anyone want to do that - double the latency, half the reliability… …the only reason that comes to mind is one more usb host connection, so it would be possible to switch between two usb-connected computers just from uhk.

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Oh well, I guess yes, you are right.

I don’t think I will still have my UHK80 by the time that is done then! Cannot handle the noise.

I switched back to my UHK60v1 until this is resolved, it’s been happening too much.

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Guys, can you please try uhk-firmware-12.3.0-uart-fixes-v2.tar.gz?

This time I explicitly log uart timeouts, this time on the oled. I expect there will be lots of them.

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I’m using this firmware now.
Currently connected to USB and with the spiral cable. Still showing the wireless icon. Still plenty of laggy or missing keystrokes. No errors reported on the LCD.

So if you unplug the bridge cable from the right half and plug it in again, does your oled show some “console” logs?

(The normal ui should dissapear. Ignore agent console / warning triangle for now.)

Thanks, I need to filter all my ramblings through a “MAX GPT” to be restructured into coherent ouput. :crazy_face:

From a gamer’s perspective, it’d be nice if the left half was the brain, or at least independent.
With some games, the right half of the board isn’t necessary, and just gets in the way. When gaming, I tend to move the right half as far out of the way as possible so I can move the mouse in closer.

When joined wirelessly, I wonder how far away the halves can be from each other before their communication becomes unreliable? Like, if I wanted to move the right half completely off my desk?

Side note; the retaining clips on my UHK80’s spiral cable are failing. One side has the ol’ paper wedge fix, and the other side is getting flimsy. All the testing has put it through it’s paces for sure.:laughing:

It doesn’t. Though, I do see the logs if I unplug and replug the dongle, or USB.

However, I’m not seeing any logs show up when I experience the laggy or missing characters.

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This sounds like uart is not detected at all. Is the behavior same when you disconnect the bridge cable (from both halves)?

Sorry, wasn’t at the computer at all over the weekend. This “special” firmware with the extra logging causes the bridge cable to be unused. When I flash back to the normal firmware of the same version, the bridge cable gets used when connected.

But the missing or out-of-order keystrokes continue to happen and no logs occur on the display when they do.

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On firmware 12.2 (since I’m getting frustrated with trying to update the firmware) and every time I restart my computer I have issues with the dongle/connectivity as well as weird lag from left and right side (as well as stuck/repeated characters)

Can you elaborate on your firmware update and dongle issues?

I find that upgrading the firmware with the bridge cable disconnected reduces the chances of (immediate) issues. You may still have the lag/garbled output occasionally, but the likelihood of it happening right away are lessened. You may also need to flash it a couple times with both halves connected to USB.

Primarily the process itself as the instructions aren’t explicit enough (e.g. Applications -> Create new build configuration doesn’t exist the 2.9 version in VSCode.) or the fact that when I was trying this through the terminal I was dealing with… well… keyboard issues from the UHK 80 itself (I just recently got my other keyboard back on this PC so will be attempting soon after I eat some food). The one-click solution is limited to 12.2.0 which is what I already have on this device.

Confirmed I was downloading the wrong thing and trying to build from source, now on 12.3.1 so will see what happens

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Now the dongle doesn’t work, when plugged in the light turns green then immediately disconnects and tries again - repeat forever

Do you have the v12.3.1 FW flashed to the dongle as well as the UHK80?

Might be better to discuss this over here:

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