UHK80 connectivity and agent issues


I got my UHK80 and have generally been super happy with the build quality and new features (on top of my existing UHK60), but I very soon started to run into issues which are more and more annoying.

Agent was working nicely in the start, but then at some point (and I think this may have been when I connected the halves with the cable) it just stopped recognising the keyboard. I now can’t figure out a way for the Agent to recognise the keyboard no matter what I do. If I connect the left half, it will say Please connect the right, but when I connect the right it just tries and then gives up. It’s worth saying that when the Agent is running, something weird is happening e.g. OS menu bar is visibly slower and slugging and then as soon as I quit the Agent, all goes back to normal.

The other big issue is that the keyboard keeps disconnening from USB even with minutes of no activity. Sometimes it stays connected for longer periods, but other times I will go away for 5 minutes and come back to keyboard being disconnected i.e. not reacting to keys being pressed even though the keyboard’s screen is saying “USB Cable” as if it was connected.

I’m on latest firmware, and on the latest version of the Agent.

Any advice?



Have you tried restarting the keyboard halves? There is a small hole on the bottom of each half that has a reset button underneath. You can use a SIM tray eject tool, or the bent-out end of a paperclip to push the reset button.

Which firmware version is running on your UHK80?


Will this cause configuration lose?

No. Just restart the device

Make sure to be on the most up to date firmware. At the moment that is the development firmware from UHK80 sometimes lagging and sending duplicate keypresses (or wrong order) · Issue #1077 · UltimateHackingKeyboard/firmware · GitHub.

When flashing the firmware, make double sure that all the pieces got flashed.