UHK wishful UI feature

I own a bunch of ergonomic keyboards and still find myself coming back to the UHKv2 from time to time. The mouse support and solid palm rests really help there. However, I do find that the software from some of the other vendors, ZSA in particular, has some things to offer that one might want to mimic here.

When you go to their configurator, you can press any button to configure a tap-dance. This defines the behavior on tap, hold, double-tap and tap-and-hold. It might be nice to have something like this be easily configurable from the agent as well. I understand that one can configure this with code as well, but it might be cool to also be able to click this stuff together as well.


Thanks for the idea!

Am I correct that in Oryx, one can map:

  • a shortcut or a macro to the tapped action, and
  • a scancode for the held, double-tapped, and “tapped and then held” actions?
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I think you can do both but I am not 100% sure. I haven’t really tried doing any macros in Oryx to be honest. The main experience as a user is mostly “ah cool, I can add a lot of things to a single button”.

The main example here is that I can double tap C to get copy and double tap V to get paste. The same interface can be user to set up homerow mods on ASDF/JKL:.

I made a tutorial about their Voyager keyboard a while ago that might give the best impression, viewable here:

Also, I just got the Riser tenting kit and … yeah … it makes the typing a bunch more comfortable. Super nice to have that combo of palm rests and the tenting kit.

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Yes, that is the true. Although macro do not allow the smart macro stuff of Karels firmware, but the basic tapdance configuration is easier in Oryx.

@Vincent_D_Warmerdam Excellent review, and glad to hear you love Riser! I think we can implement a user-friendly tap dance configuration with the planned macro library feature.

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