Sometime in the last couple weeks, my UHK v2 started to get stuck several times a day, infinitely repeating a keypress. When this happens, the last keystroke repeats forever until I press another key on the keyboard. This happens with single key strokes as well as chorded ones e.g., ctrl-v. There is no clear pattern to what causes it or when. Seems random.
This is not key chattering, btw. It is strictly a case of getting stuck on infinite repeat.
Unfortunately I can’t confidently say which firmware version this started with. I do check and install firmware updates every few days, and can recall 2-3 firmware updates in the last month. So sometime in there.
I’m going to try downgrading firmware and slowly going back up, to see if I can pin it to a firmware version.
Obviously it’s also possible my UHK is going bad, or that it’s my OS, but I can’t easily test those variables at the moment.
Anyone had similar behavior start recently?