Tried the Zoom feature on the key cluster and it only zoomed in!

Hi All

As the title goes. It only zoomed in, ended up rebooting Windows.

Also, how about a volume controll via the keycluster scroller?

As the title goes. It only zoomed in, ended up rebooting Windows.

I just tried with current firmware and it works fine both in and out.

Also, how about a volume controll via the keycluster scroller?


Search firmware/doc-dev/ at master · UltimateHackingKeyboard/firmware · GitHub for “navigationMode”. Specifically “media” mode should already provide volume control, although it is possible to bind media, caret, zoomPc and zoomMac modes to any macro or key.

I am assuming you know that in most software you can use Ctrl–0 to reset the zoom to 100%, and zoom in and out using Ctrl–- and Ctrl–=.

Most likely you would not have had to reboot.


@Mattias_Gyllenvarg are you using some unusual keyboard layout?

The navigation mode really just produces Ctrl± and Ctrl+=, so if you are using any other layout than enUS, the os may see it as different shortcuts.

Also some programs require explicitly Ctrl++ (Ctrl+shift+=), that may too be the issue.