Touch pad instructions

I have not really used my touch pad but I want to give it a try, but I don’t really know what it can do.
Any links to the capabilities of the touch pad?

Not sure about links, but:

  • single tap, double tap, triple tap … work as expected - produce left clicks in corresponding numbers (can be remapped via macros or Agent)
  • two-finger tap produces right click (can be remapped via macros)
  • two-finger move scrolls (this is fixed)
  • pinch-zoom gesture zooms (can be changed via macros)
  • press+hold+move produces drag and drop
  • doubletap+move produces drag and drop

Then all the generic features enabled for all modules:

  • navigation modes, which make the module do different things (just as scrolling or moving caret via arrows) when layers are activated
  • discrete navigation modes can be remapped to produce custom shortcuts or macros
  • scrolling axes can be inverted
  • axes can be swapped
  • axes can be locked
  • sensitivities can be extensively tweaked