Pairing Dongle - help please

I want to try the dongle but I cannot for the life of me see how to pair it.
Hoping that the dongle is more responsive that BLE.

Any advice on how to pair and use the dongle please?

The knowledgebase has directions:

Ah the nuance is the cable needs to be connected first or else the message does not appear. Prompted to connect the cable and then nothing about pairing.


And that doesn’t seem to work…

Maybe try closing Agent, temporarily disconnect the bridge cable (just in case, so not to possibly trigger the lag issue), and reset the right half. Then reconnect the bridge cable & open Agent to see if that helps.

Thanks for hte usggestion but hta tid dno towkr, i tonly caused hte miixn gup o fcharacthers

And now the same message typed from a different keyboarad.

“Thanks for the suggestion but that did not work, it only caused the mixing up of characters”

And the UHK80 is now is a tailspin of errors.

Dang Idk :man_shrugging:


I had to go look up the alt-text for that one (mouse hover or click the pics).

Here’s one that’s UHK relevant:

And this one demonstrates how my brain works when I see something out of place:

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He was clearly using layers. On my keymap, rightSpace+j will give a 7. :wink:

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Dongle now pairs and does not go into a loop of failures. But it also does nothing. When I have it paired to the dongle, no BT and no USB cable, I get no inputs from the keyboard at all. Connection on the keyboard says Dongle but no inputs.

Is there an additional step?

Make sure it is on the correct firmware version.

So not the one that does your displays?
Thought that’s was based on 12.3.1 which I thought supported the dongle?

build: uhk-firmware-12.3.1-uart-fixes-v5.3-br38400.tar.gz

I have made some major changes to the communication protocol on the development branch, so it won’t work with master-flashed dongle.

Oops. Should have twigged that.
