Mouse feels jittery on UHK80 BLE

I got my UHK80 and I like the capabilities of it being wireless. However…
Whenever I have it on BLE the mouse (via mouse layer or trackball module) feels really jittery.
It feels like acceleration, speed such are all over the place.

When I have it wired, there is no issue. It is smooth as butter.

is this a known issue? Or should I submit a bug on github?

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It’s the same for me, but I think it’s kind of expected over BLE.

Quote from the Dongle page on the UHK Shop:
“You want a dongle either if you intend to use your UHK 80 wirelessly with some of your hosts that don’t support BLE or if the responsiveness of BLE doesn’t satisfy you. BLE works great, but mouse movement is noticeably more responsive and smoother via the dongle.”

Using the UHK Dongle is MUCH smoother.

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I would assume my MacBook Pro m2 supports BLE.

Ordered multiple dongles (multiple devices) just in case.