Miryoku And homerow mods

Home row mods - a new approach, part 2

Avoiding same-hand triggers

There is one more improvement that can be done to home row mods: avoiding triggering a mod if it is typed together with a key on the same hand.

This can now be added to the system from the previous post. Each of the macros bound to each of the hrm keys can be extended with an exclusion list. When the key is typed together with a key from the exclusion list, the primary function is activated immediately.

Note: You can still type hrm mods with keys of the same hand, but you will have to hold down the mod long enough (more than 100 ms in the macro example).

For a left-hand modifier:


ifShortcut timeoutIn 100 orGate noConsume q w e r t a s d f g z x c v b goTo primary
if ($hrm_active > 0) ifSecondary final holdKey leftShift
setVar hrm_tick 0
holdKey d

For a right-hand modifier:


ifShortcut timeoutIn 100 orGate noConsume y u i o p h j k l semicolonAndColon n m goTo primary
if ($hrm_active > 0) ifSecondary final holdKey rightShift
setVar hrm_tick 0
holdKey k

Again, feedback appreciated. This works extremely well for me!