Metal ball for trackball

The only real dissatisfaction I’ve had with my UHK 60 v2 has been the trackball. The default ball just did not perform consistently, with sketchy tracking which sometimes just plain stopped working, requiring me to remove the module, roll the ball around on the table a bit before replacing to get it working again.

Replacing the default ball with the metal one has solved all those issues, it’s now a joy to use. 10/10 recommend upgrading if you find the default plastic ball less than stellar.



Where do you get the metal trackball?
I’m using the trackpoint module, but consider the ball


I assume we are talking about the balls from this pack: Trackball Balls - Ultimate Hacking Keyboard (the first generation of our balls)

To be clear, by default ball you mean the transcluent matte red one?

You know there is also this one: Glossy Trackball Ball - Ultimate Hacking Keyboard (the second generation)?

Its tracking quality too isn’t perfect as the clear resin layer adds to the sensor distance and so the image is unfocused, but the experience should be superior nevertheless

Anyways, which ball(s) is the trackball module normally shipped with these days?


These days the trackball ships with the glossy one.


That’s the one. I haven’t tried the other two, the metal one works so well, it’s like night and day.