Latest firmware disabled numerous functions

Hi. I upgraded the UHK to the latest firmware. This caused three issues:

  1. Upon launching the UHK Agent, the left half of the keyboard is completely absent from the keyboard map for base/mod/etc…
  2. The touchpad module no longer works at all.
  3. One (and only one) of the programmed cluster module keys no longer works in Linux (but works in Windows).

Please advise. Thank you.

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What’s the exact firmware version? I had the first two issues you listed, but FW v12.0.1 resolved them for me.


me too. After the 12.0.0 update, the left click on my touchpad doesn’t work either.

12.0.1 update recommend.

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I’m on 12.1.0 and the only issue so far is that the touchpad click is now “sticky” by default? As in, with just one tap and drag it’ll get stuck in that mode until I make another click, which is kinda hard to get used to especially since I switch back and forth with a magic touchpad.

Not sure if related but it also seems that it just refuses to respect the “Hold continuation timeout” settings, it’s the same behavior on 0 or on 2000.

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I was beginning to think it was just me. :sweat_smile:

Could you check your Two-finger-tap to right-click and see if it also gets stuck (as well as sticking to non-UHK mouse)?

I have a link to a video of it happening on my UHK here:

If you can, maybe share further details on GitHub too?

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can’t repro the two finger tap. it gets stuck during tap and drag only. definitely not happening in non UHK mice/trackpad.

If there are still any touchpad issues, I encourage you to open a firmware issue and discuss the details there, guys. We can better manage it that way.

Opened a ticket myself: Touchpad troubles. · Issue #1057 · UltimateHackingKeyboard/firmware · GitHub

Can you share your user configs @ckumz @pcooke9? (I can’t reprosuce the problem, so there is probably something specific that is important…)


Thanks to everyone’s reply. I have 12.2 and the touchpad issues persist. However, the left keyboard map is back, thankfully. The one cluster key still refuses to work, but only in Linux. Thanks again.

What issue exactly? That touchpad doesn’t work at all?

Would you please share your user config?

Also please provide more info about the key that doesn’t work.

Which model? uhk60v2?