Inquiry on UHK Roadmap

Hi UHK Team and fellow enthusiasts!

I’ve been a follower of UHK for a few years now and have been saving up to invest in one of your incredible keyboards. The thought and craftsmanship that goes into each them look amazing!

As I’m getting closer to making my purchase, I’m curious about any upcoming developments. Would you happen to have any news you could share regarding the potential launch of a V3 version anytime soon? I’d be thrilled to learn more and possibly even pre-order if that’s on the horizon. If you can’t say that’s okay.

Thanks a million for your time and for creating such outstanding products!

Considering the V2 has been just released (couple of months ago), I’d say V3 will take some time to happend.

Maybe I am mistaken, but I believe V2 production and shipments started about two years ago in late 2021?

Yes, you are correct. I thought you were asking about the software… which in fact it was the agent version 3 that we got recently…

I think we can wait for @Laszlo_Monda to answer this one.

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Based on previous experience, even if a v3 of the board was announced and started taking orders tomorrow it would be at least a year before the first one ships.


And thats why i will order a v2 tomorrow.

@Hecatia I’m sorry, but we don’t plan to reveal our product roadmap. Thanks for your kind words and for planning to support us!

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