How to turn off the UHK80?

Time to wrap off for the day but I cannot turn off the UHK80, any ideas on how to get it to go to sleep?

Switching back to my UHK60. The UHK80 doesn’t seem ready for use yet.

Cannot connect consistently over BT.
Won’t stay connected over wired to Agent.
Cannot turn it off.
From time to time the inputs between the sides get out of sync. For example typing AY will result in YA
Cannot tent the right side properly (does not make connection with the desk properly and slides about)
And the palm rests feel sweaty and cheap compared to the wood of the UHK60v2s

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Atm there is this macro:

COMMAND = powerMode [toggle] { wake | lightSleep | sleep | deepSleep

But it doesn’t do much.

Better power management is yet to be implemented.

Uhk80 cant be turned of by design, only put to sleep modes of various depth (by design).

So just dial the leds all the way down?
And leave it plugged in or disconnected?

Will the power management include the ability to max charging at 80% or so? Ala iPhone etc

(Cheers for the response btw)

Also suppresses usb report output.

(Current indicator is just voltage interpolation - hence also the jump when power gets disconnected.)


