I’ve just received my new UHK80 and I’m a bit confused – I’m able to initiate pairing, but as soon as I plug in the keyboard to charge it via USB (to the same machine) when I unplug it, it doesn’t revert to the original Bluetooth connection. Is this expected? When this happens I have to delete the keyboard from the “my devices” section of my laptop since it won’t reconnect, hit the reset button on the back of the button, and re-pair it. Is there a pairing update coming soon to the keyboard that will improve this?
Secondly, there is very slight lag when typing, transferring the typed text to my computer (Edit – it appears to be specific to the lefthand side of the keyboard). This isn’t something I experience with other bluetooth keyboards. Is this something that may be addressed by firmware updates, or is this just expected with the new model?
Happy to share any debug information that’s required for this.
I would spend some time going through the recent forum posts and the UHK GitHub, as you’ll likely find some answers if you dig a little. BLE latency has been discussed quite a bit recently. My advice would be to try the UHK dongle, as it’s much smoother.
@Tunney, yes, we have messed up this product release, yes we have underestimated the problems dealing with the zephyr platform, overestimated our ability to deal with the issues in time and underestimated the number of issues that will slide by our testers. (We don’t experience the left-right connection issues with our hardware for some reason.) We know it.
But at this points the cards are dealt and we are trying to work with what we have, and you are not helping.
I suppose you’ve got a right to be annoyed, but I like to keep in mind how hard these guys work to produce such a niche keyboard. UHKs are super high quality for something being made by only a handful of people. They go out of their way to support their products for as long as possible, and try to help us find ways to maintain them ourselves when they can’t. They always own up to their mistakes, and try their best to make things right. I don’t know about you, but I respect the hell outta businesses like that. How many products do you buy nowadays that you don’t have to toss in the garbage after a couple years because of planned obsolescence? I think what’s amazing is the fact that I don’t expect the UHK’s GitHub issues to be ignored like 99% of the other products I buy.
Anyway, you and I’ve both been lurking around here long enough to know UHKs are worth the wait.
I’ve always weighed in on issues and tried to help. Whether it’s the Firmware for the v2 or your fork before it was brought in to master. And as long as I have a uhk80 I will continue to do so.
But my point was that we have brand new users to the UHK ecosystem that, when asking why their brand new, expensive keyboard doesn’t work they are told to read the issues as if this was normal and acceptable.
Some notice acknowledging the challenges with the firmware and the hardware (cases and sounds), and a statement about how it was actively being worked on and the like would be the norm for other vendors and products.
I think you are right though, the best thing for me is to continue to contribute what I can in the testing and to make a call whether to keep it or not in the next while.
Please let’s keep this thread focused on the issue itself. For the issue surrounding the lag:
Which firmware version are you using?
I’m on the latest version of Agent, so that’s 12.2.0 for the firmware. I’m aware of the newer releases to the firmware on Github (12.3.1) but its not clear to me how to actually flash those to the keyboard.
Are you using the bridge cable?
No. The issue seems to be specific to the left half of the keyboard. Sometimes when rapidly pressing keys it’ll just miss one of them, or have a lag on a keypress.
Do you experience the lags over both USB and Bluetooth?
Yes, when I connect via the righthand side via the USB cable I still experience lag from the left keyboard.
Do you have a dongle?
On the issue of the having to delete the connection, reset the keyboard, and then reconnect with a new connection, after charging over USB – is this being worked on, or a known issue?
On the issue of the having to delete the connection, reset the keyboard, and then reconnect with a new connection, after charging over USB – is this being worked on, or a known issue?
I have reworked the connection initiation sequence in 12.3.0 if I recall correctly, so that may or may not have fixed the issue.
Downloading and flashing the latest version of the firmware resolved the first issue, where I’d have to delete the bluetooth connection and re-pair it. The second issue is that there is still noticeable lag and sometimes dropped keystrokes, specifically coming from the left half of the keyboard. This happens when not using the middle connection coil. The issue goes away when using the connection coil for me.