Different configuration for one UHK, multiple computers?

I’m pretty sure this isn’t possible but I wanted to ask:

I have one UHK. I’d like to move it from one computer to another, and back, and have the configuration magically update itself based on the computer my UHK is connected to.

For example, at work, I use Windows, and have some keybindings based on the programs I use there. At home, I use Linux, and naturally don’t use the same set of programs.

It would be cool if I could take my UHK home, plug it in, and have its configuration magically update to reflect that. And then I take it back to work, and the configuration updates again.

I don’t think the UHK can tell anything about the details of the computer it’s plugged into, and I don’t think the OS itself can detect when a UHK is plugged in and to update the configuration (the equivalent of “save to keyboard” from the Agent), but I wanted to float the idea.

(I know, the easy solution here is to buy another UHK – and indeed, I am eyeing up a UHK80. But boy that’s a lot of money…)

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Uhk cant identify the computer, but the computer can identify the UHK.

There are multiple ways to achieve that. E.g.:

  • flash the config when connected
  • have two keymaps, and optionally some smart macro events (to override the global configs differently for each keymap) and just send a usb command to switch to the relevant keymap.

Also, a non-magical solution is to have an “init” keymap as your default that contains just switches to your keymaps, so you connect UHK, tap a key corresponding to your system, and now you are ready to go.

I think the easiest solution is to have two different keymaps stored (maybe referring to some different set of macros) and then just switching between those two keymaps with a simple key combination, i.e. fn+1 to switch to the keymap for computer 1, and fn+2 to switch to the one for computer 2.

It’s not fully automatic, but gets the job done with just a simple two-button tap, once when you start using the computer…

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the solution to all problems in life are to own multiple UHKs :face_with_hand_over_mouth: