Defective unit received: how to return and replace?


I ordered UHK 60 v2 silent pink and I received the item today. Unfortunately, the unit is defective and the “G” key press does not work. I should note that this was my second purchase of UHK, my first unit works just fine. I want to return this defective item and ask for a replacement, but I saw on the website that I have to cover the shipping cost, which I find to be very unfair because it is not my fault. Do any of you have a previous experience where a defective unit was sent to you and what was the return+replace policy in such a case? Any tips or suggestions regarding how to navigate this will be much appreciated.

The key switches on the v2 are replaceable without soldering. If you are interested in making the keyboard work, you can try asking support to send you some replacement switches and replace the (probably) defective one. I don’t own a v2, but i think it is as simple as pulling out the old one and snapping in the new one.

If replacing the switch works, then great! Otherwise, you’ll have a stronger claim that there is a defect that warrants replacement or reimbursement.

In either case, their support team tends to be quite responsive. Use the “Contact Us” page to ask them.

Great, thanks so much for the suggestions. On the “Contact Us” page, I have asked the same question (reimbursement/replacment policy and shipping cost in the case of a defective unit), I will keep you posted regarding what they say.

I doubt the switch/board is actually broken. The keys should have been tested in the factory.

Have you tried pulling and reseating the switch?
You might only need to slightly bend the pins on the switch to make sure they make better contact with the inside of the PCB hot-swap socket.

Even if it does turn out to be a bad switch, you can probably find a few replacements for a lot cheaper than it would cost to return the UHK.


Okay, I tried that, pulled the switch using a switch puller and then reseated the switch (I had to bend the pins on the switch) and the “G” key worked. Thanks very much for the tips, @pcooke9 this was very useful.


Good call @pcooke9

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Yes, they have a return policy but they do it not the correct way I think too.
If you order something and return it, and you want the money back, I think they must pay you the whole money which includes the shipping cost of one way.
The return you must pay. I think there is an EU regulation which says that.
I ordered also a UHK60V2 and sent it back and now I have paid the shippling twice.
And this is by far not nice at all.
And the following is also not commonthat I must sent it back with DHL Express. I ordered in the past a lot of things around the world but noone has ever said to me that I must do it with DHL Express.

We fully absorb the shipping cost for faulty units.