@maexxx You’re most welcome. Iosevka Term (not Nerd Font) is one of my fave fonts. Here’s a script if you want to download it on a regular basis. They author posts lots of updates. There’s also variants that are non-term (variable width monospace font), and extended if you want something wider.
Here’s a fish function to get Iosevka Term:
# Not Nerd font variant of Iosevka Term called `Iosevka Term` (direct from author).
# ```sh
# fc-list "Iosevka Term"
# ```
# Download the latest Iosevka font from github called `Iosevka Term`.
# More info on Iosevka: <https://github.com/be5invis/Iosevka/blob/main/doc/PACKAGE-LIST.md>
# More info on API: <https://api.github.com/repos/be5invis/Iosevka/releases/latest>
# More info on jq: <https://www.baeldung.com/linux/jq-command-json>
# More info on sed: <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13210880/replace-one-substring-for-another-string-in-shell-script>
function iosevka-font-upgrade
pushd ~/Downloads
# set -l LATEST_EXP https://github.com/be5invis/Iosevka/releases/latest
set -l org be5invis
set -l repo Iosevka
set -l url "https://api.github.com/repos/$org/$repo/releases/latest"
# Eg: v26.0.1
set -l tag_name (curl $url -s | jq .tag_name -r)
# Eg: 26.0.1
set -l tag_name (echo $tag_name | sed "s/v//")
set -l download_file "PkgTTF-IosevkaTerm-$tag_name.zip"
set -l download_url "https://github.com/$org/$repo/releases/download/v$tag_name/$download_file"
echo (set_color blue)"download_file: " $download_file(set_color normal)
echo (set_color blue)"download_url: " $download_url(set_color normal)
curl -OL $download_url
ls $download_file
set -l destination_folder ~/.local/share/fonts/ttf_iosevka_term/
mkdir -p $destination_folder
echo (set_color green -o)Unzipping $download_file to $destination_folder(set_color normal)
rm $destination_folder/*
sh -c "unzip -o $download_file -d $destination_folder"
# Clean up.
trash $download_file
Another of my faves is JuliaMono.
Here’s a fish function to get JuliaMono:
# Julia Mono font
# ```sh
# fc-list "Julia Mono"
# ```
# Download the latest font direct from github.com.
function juliamono-font-upgrade
pushd ~/Downloads
set -l LATEST_RELEASE_FILE_URL "https://github.com/cormullion/juliamono/releases/latest/download/JuliaMono-ttf.zip"
set -l FONT_FILE "JuliaMono-ttf.zip"
set -l DESTINATION_FOLDER ~/.local/share/fonts/JuliaMono/
echo (set_color blue)"download_file: " $FONT_FILE(set_color normal)
echo (set_color blue)"download_url: " $LATEST_RELEASE_FILE_URL(set_color normal)
echo (set_color green -o)Unzipping $FONT_FILE to $DESTINATION_FOLDER(set_color normal)
sh -c "unzip -o $FONT_FILE -d $DESTINATION_FOLDER"
# Clean up.
trash $FONT_FILE
Other functions:
function font-config-reset
# Reset font cache.
echo (set_color blue)Reset font cache(set_color normal)
sudo fc-cache -f -v >/dev/null
sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig
@maexxxFira Code is a good one. Both JuliaMono & Iosevka have ligatures support, and looks great in terminals, editors, and IDEs. I spend a lot of time in IDEs and terminals (https://r3bl.com/), so I am a bit of a monospace type fontist
Looking forward to hearing what you think of Iosevka after using it for a while.
Iosevka is my go-to font . It is very readable and very narrow, which makes it nice for my monitor setup (I’ve got narrow + tall monitors) x 3, for coding .
Apparently the font itself is generated programatically. There’s some amazing magic that goes into making that font . And there’s no need for a Nerd Font variant of that font, since it has excellent unicode (emoji) support.
If you end up liking narrow fonts, Noto Mono Nerd Font has condensed and semi condensed variants, which are awesome.
This new keycap provider Yuzu doesn’t support translucent letter color, do they? I glanced at the color option and noticed that they are all solid colors, meaning that the LEDs on the UHKv2 would not shine through, or did I miss that option?
Unfortunately not. The YUZU caps are Cherry profile, dye sub PBT only (for now). AFAIK, pure PBT shine-through keycaps don’t exist. If I’m not mistaken, you’d have to make the shine-through part out of ABS plastic, and that means they’d have to be double shot keycaps. That would be REALLY expensive to do as a custom service. You’d have to make molds for each of the custom legends.
The people from YUZU have another site that does ABS PU coated caps with laser etched shine-through legends. They’re only available in black caps, with the white-ish shine-through legends, but the legends are still customizable. I think they only have a UHK layout available in XDA and LPF profiles right now, but you can ask them on Discord if they have anything else.
I have a set of custom XDAs. I have to warn that the spacebars aren’t convex, so keep that in mind. They’re pretty good quality though.
That would be REALLY expensive to do as a custom service. You’d have to make molds for each of the custom legends.
Given the age of 3D printing, I don’t believe there is no way to do that without custom molds, although any automatized technical solution would definitely be rather complex.
I guess the trouble is the size the market would have to be in order to cover the development of such a solution.
Edit: although admittedly, I indeed don’t know what I am talking about .
We tried printing caps a while ago, but the quality is way below proper molded caps. They look ugly, they feel ugly; The printers just don’t have the resolution, or massively expensive and too slow for mass production.
What I think may be possible is take molded caps surfaces (like on Pudding keycaps) of blank keycaps (without any legends), laser-cnc away the legends (= burn away / cut out the legend) and then re-mold a second time to fill with transparent material. But like you, I’m not a hardware manufacturing expert.
Please ignore the fact that my Kailh Box stems are blocking the light on the bottoms of the legends. It was my fault for making the legends a little too big. My eyes aren’t what they used to be .
I asked FK on Discord if they could add a toggle to the FK Custom Editor that would show/hide an outline of the different stem types, and @kartsims said they’d add it to the backlog . There’s currently a “Light Bulb” toggle at the bottom right of the editor that allows you to view the general LED glow area under the caps. I’m not sure if that feature was already there when I designed mine, but I didn’t notice if it was, haha.
These caps seem to have better translucency than a lot of double-shot caps out there, BTW. It’s hard to tell from the pics, but they’re much brighter than most.
They also let you add a few extra 1U caps. I kinda wish I would’ve made a UHK logo. Maybe a little Agent icon where the whole top of the cap would be shine-through with some black sunglasses . Maybe someone with better design skills than I could make some .svg files available? If that’s cool with UGL, of course…
I prefer Cherry over OEM. I have fewer nail snags with Cherry. I like the aggressive texturing on the UHK caps though.
I definitely prefer a flat profile more than anything, which is why I made a basic XDA set with FK Custom. YUZU has a KAM profile in the works too. No ETA on those yet, but I’ll most likely grab some of those when they’re available.