Compatibility with Characorder X?

Does anyone know whether the UHK (v1) is compatible with the Charachorder X?

They mention keyboards with NKRO, but I have no idea what that means :).

It means N-Key-Roll-Over. You can depress as many keys as you like simultaneously, and the keyboard will recognise all of them correctly. The UHK has that capability.

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They mention keyboards with NKRO, but I have no idea what that means

You can safely ignore that in context of UHK.

As for normal typing, there should be no problem.

As to UHK’s fast input features (macro text action, composite shortcuts, modifier secondary roles), that depends on CharaChorder - it may or may not have problems. If there are problems, you may work around them by increasing UHK’s keystrokeDelay, or try to contact CharaChorder to fix the issues.

(The trouble is only that with some features, UHK sends keystate changes in quick successions, and some software does not expect it because a regular user with a regular keyboard just is not capable of that fast typing.)