Case for uhk80 — suggestions?

I use a GoPro large case for my uhk60s.
Fits perfectly with the palm rests on and the board joined together.

Anyone found anything similar for the UHK80?

I have one of these:

It’s a little too shallow with the Riser80 attached, so I had to trim the peaks off the upper lid foam to fit it comfortably. Otherwise, there’s plenty of room for a couple aviator USB cables, and my touchpad module.

My only concern is that this is a semi-rigid style case, and there’s enough flex to depress the keys a little (hence why I trimmed the top foam). I know you can put the UHK80 to sleep with a macro, but I wonder; does the current implementation allow the battery to drain if keys are depressed?

Which reminds me…
Is there anything specific we need to do before connecting/disconnecting the batteries? Is it just a matter of attaching/pulling the connector, or is there any software related procedure necessary? Would there be any negative consequences if the batteries were disconnected unintentionally or otherwise?

Thanks. I’ve zero interest in the riser for the uhk80. I could see the asymmetrical nature of it and significant tenting causing issues for me.
Just wanted the normal tenting (which is not possible with the problems with the case)

We recommend 20 degrees for the left half and 15 degrees for the right half. Works very well.

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