Hi! I have a UHK and want to use it with an app called flycut on mac. Super basic use case, flycut allows to choose items from the multi clipboard upon pressing Shift + Cmd + v. App works if I use the keys on the keyboard, but I want to make use of the cluster. However, after setting up the keypress nothing happens. Tried as a macro as well. Updated to latest version of firmware. Same result.
Have you tried to bind that shortcut somewhere in the right half? If not, please test it. I expect that it will not work either.
If I am right, then try setting keystrokeDelay in typing behavior tab to 50ms and retest. If it works, lower the keystroke delay to some reasonable value - 10ms or whatever flycut allows you.
After setting the delay to 50 the cluster key produces a lower case v, but it doesn’t input shift + cmd that are required for this to work. If I press shift + command on the keyboard manually + cluster key, it works. Obviously, I want the cluster key to include all 3.
Well, again please test on the right side ;-). Increase the delay to 200 (so that delays can be easily seen with naked eye), then test with https://keyboardchecker.com/ . (You should see ctrl and shift activate first, and then after 200ms v.)
Shift and Cmd operate fine when pressed independently. Cluster key operates fine independently when delay is set to 50ms. Tested both on keyboard checker and locally. It makes me think that this is not a hardware issue, but issue related to binding all 3 keys together.
Attached is my current config. The Keymap in question is QWERTY for Mac Personal. I have tried troubleshooting steps you’re referring to, plugged the keyboard through another USB port, disconnected/reconnected etc. The issue persists across boots.