Another Tape Mod Thread

Am I doing this right?

I saw a bunch of posts on Reddit saying to use this special painter’s tape to make your keyboard more “poppy”.

Well, it definitely sounds… different…
Feels a bit mushy though.

Also, some dude that goes by the name “u/h@ppy_f33t” (I think he’s a big Linux fan) said I could make a ton of $$$ working from home if I lubed my feet.:man_shrugging:

I figured I’d give it a shot, but TBH, IDK how this is supposed to increase productivity. Between all the grease & banana peels, this thing keeps slippin’ right off the desk!

I guess I’m gonna have to start wearing steel toe boots around here now, cuz this environment is definitely NSFW…

Anyway, here’s the stuff I used in this “mod”:

Duck Clean Release Tape

10 Pieces Keyboard Lube Kit

Nogi Cherry Profile ABS Silicone Keycaps

funnysquee Banana Squishies Stress Relief Soft Scented Simulation Banana

(Yes, I really spent almost $10 on a “Simulation Banana”. I really hope this makes someone laugh, so I can justify my purchase…:clown_face::smirk::clown_face:)


Geez, tough crowd.
I guess my humor’s an aquired taste.:sweat_smile:
I’ll just pretend this never happened, & see myself out.:face_in_clouds:
(Taking my fake :banana: with me)

Well, I was wondering how you made it across Akismet :smiley:.

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I’m kinda surprised myself. Maybe it thought it was funny & looked the other way. :laughing:

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