Vim Mode for the UHK

don’t have a sharable config.

Here you go: firmware/examples/mirroring_keymap.json at master · kareltucek/firmware · GitHub

It is years old and uses some syntaxies that have been deprecated long since.

//Edit: it is actually from before the extended macro engine got merged into official firmware, and before command action was officially added. (When I originally forked the firmware, I used to use the hijacked write text action.)

but then we can’t really toggle back to the base layer from my understanding

macro-triggered layer toggling is much more powerful than the one available in key popover. (Laszlo insists on keeping things simple in GUI part of Agent…)

Do you have any examples of how you are using the macros currently?

Here is my up-to-date config: My configuration - mirroring setup, runtime macros, etc

My aside question was moreso wondering if there is a knowledgebase/forum sharing other’s configuration’s for inspiration.

The “My configuration” category of this forum is meant that way, but it has not taken off much…