UHK 80: Missing key presses when connected over Bluetooth

Just joining the two halves together and power to the right side only.

But yes very similar

Ah, I see! I’m using the Riser 80, so it didn’t occur to me that you could do that, too :wink:

Hmm, of course the UHK80 doesn’t transmit data or power over the pogo pins when in joined mode; unlike the UHK60…

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We’re happy to raise the return window to 30 days regarding the noise. In the meantime, I may be able to find a solution, which I’m working on.


One thing regarding the noise (not the LED noise, that one I also have).
So I tried connecting both halves to the computer, removing the spiral cable, etc.
And mine does not make any noise, so it is probably related to battery charging, or something regarding the battery. Mine does not have any battery and with that also no noise.
If this is a HW issue maybe instead of returning the whole keyboard the replacement of the part that has the issue would be a good option.
I will only figure out if the issue exists later when I add batteries.

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It was also my first guess that it had to do with charging the battery.

Wonder how the investigation into the noise is going?

I have noticed on my UHKs that one of them is way noiser than the other.

Lumissil hasn’t provided us with any suggestions yet. I can’t provide an ETA, although I think they should provide something in a week or two. I’ll let you know.


Is this something that, in time, could be ported to the UHK60v2 firmware?

Also if it is LED related why does disconnecting the bridge cable get rid of it please?