Runtime macros - so so handy

Here’s another way in which the current macro system with recordMacroDelay is awesome: simulating barcode scans. (One thing I do at work is software that parses and does stuff with barcode scans.)

Say you want to simulate scanning the barcode “2123498234”. It turns out that barcode scanners, to the computer, are just a keyboard, and a lot of software distinguishes between normal user typing and barcode scanning by heuristics about how fast the keystrokes come in, along with some special prefix and postfix characters.

So I need to test scans of the above barcode, I can record a macro. I carefully type out the barcode string, stop recording – and of course nothing happens that time, because the software saw the human-speed typing. But when I play back the macro, it sees barcode-scanner-speed typing, and interprets it as a barcode!


Wow, these use-cases are fascinating! Thanks for sharing! :heart: