How many single key modifier/combination possible?

Take a look at this macro, which puts different messages on the display depending on how you activate the key that it’s bound to:

setLedTxt 0 'KEY'
ifGesture timeoutIn 200 $thisKeyId final setLedTxt 999 'GST'
ifDoubletap final setLedTxt 999 'DBL'
delayUntilReleaseMax 500
ifInterrupted final setLedTxt 999 '2ND'
ifPlaytime 450 final setLedTxt 999 'HLD'
setLedTxt 999 'TAP'

Fast double-tapping (within 200 ms) = GST (gesture)
Slower double-tapping (depends on the doubletap time configured) = DBL (double)
Holding it and pressing a second key while the key is held down = 2ND (secondary function)
Holding (for more than 450 ms) = HLD (hold)
Single tap = TAP (tap)

Note that the slow double-tap results in a TAP on the first tap followed by DBL on the second tap.

That should give you enough ideas how to program your behaviour. Just replace the setLedTxt commands by whatever you want to do in each case.