Generate 'host' characters for non-US keyboard layouts

tapKey r does not care to tap a key (/keyid). It just adds a scancode into a USB report. (Yes, it is a misnomer.)

Also, let me remind you that dynamic memory is quite a scarce resource in UHK, and dealing with tables of names of variable length is problematic.

I am also not clear on whether you want to apply this mapping to char/KEYABBREV ↔ scancode mapping or to name ↔ KEYID mapping, since the original thread was about keyids, not scancodes.

Assume a keymap that has all keys bound to the x scancode, and just one key with a macro that contains a train of

ifGesture 1 tapKey a
ifGesture 2 tapKey b

If you are truly speaking about keyid ↔ symbol mapping, how would you replace the 1, 2, … keyids in the above example?