Are there any drawbacks to do it my way with a three-key-press that I don’t know about?
Well, it causes a delay when using them normally.
Also I guess this way makes it somewhat difficult to tap the backspace multiple times… That could be improved using the noConsume
option, holdLayer
and consumePending
Something like
ifShortcut anyOrder noConsume u o final {
consumePending 1
holdLayer fn2
holdKey i
and bind backspace in the fn2 layer on all three keys, so that you pres u+i+o, then keep holding the first key of the chord and just tap one of the other two repeatedly.
Just to still my curiosity, are there any better ways of bringing the backspace ‘into’ the middle of the keyboard?
There are numerous ways. “Better” ways are more tricky.
You can bind things to holds, doubletaps, secondary roles, layers… You can also bind your right side module so that swiping it to the left/right produces backspace/delete events. You can create a vim-like modular setup out of multiple layers or keymaps. You can add additional layers (fn2-fn5) so that you don’t have to modify your current layers, but have enough space to add bindings. You can find some inspiration in the My configuration - UHK forum section, e.g., my own keymap in Setup: Mirroring, runtime macros, thumb trackball, etc (I have backspace on mod+p and mod+tab, which admittedly is not extra comfortable and I am now wondering why I don’t bind them on mod+y/t instead so that they are not on pinky…).
Edit: actually I already have the mod+t and mod+y bindings, the other thread is just not up to date and I have forgotten about those bindings…